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Converting from Gas to Electric

Reasons to make the switch?

First and foremost, are you sick of running out of gas and the worst possible time?  If so, it might be time to consider converting to electric!

Currently, there is a growing push in Australia to transition away from gas and toward electricity as a cleaner and more sustainable energy source. One of the main areas where the push is taking place is in the residential sector where homeowners are being encouraged to switch from gas-powered appliances such as heaters, hot water systems, stovetops, and ovens to electric alternatives.

Several factors are driving this push, including concerns about climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the increasing availability and affordability of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. By converting from gas to electric, households can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. Furthermore, there are also financial benefits to making the switch, including lower energy bills and potential government incentives.

Cooking on electric cooktop

Why switch from gas to electricity?

Ultimately, whether to switch from gas to electricity will depend on your specific needs and priorities. It's crucial to carefully evaluate the potential advantages and disadvantages, taking into account factors like cost, convenience, and environmental impact before making a decision.

Your climate zone is another important consideration. A Climate Council report published in October found that households could save up to approximately $1,000 annually on energy bills by switching from gas to electric appliances, depending on their climate zone.

  1. Environmental Concerns - gas appliances produce carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. In contrast, electric appliances do not produce any direct carbon emissions and can be powered by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
  2. Cost Savings - The cost of gas in some locations will be dearer than the cost of electricity, so it will be beneficial to check your location and the related energy source costs. Additionally, the cost of gas is projected to rise in the coming years, making the cost savings of switching to electric even more appealing. Another option is to invest in renewable energy sources such as solar panels, where you can generate your own electricity and dependence on grid-supplied electricity.
  3. Convenience - Electric appliances offer a range of features that gas appliances may not, such as programmable settings and remote control. Furthermore, electric appliances do not require gas connections or regular maintenance, making them easier to use and maintain.
  4. Safety - Gas leaks can be hazardous and require regular inspections and maintenance to ensure safety. Electric appliances, on the other hand, do not pose a risk of gas leaks and are generally considered safer to use.

Converting energy sources - Gas to Electricity

The most common uses of gas in households are heating, hot water, and cooking. To convert from gas to electric, an electrician will need to assess the household's electrical infrastructure and install new wiring and circuit breakers as needed. They will also need to remove the existing gas appliances and install new electric appliances such as electric ovens, induction cooktops, and electric hot water systems.

Switching from gas to electric appliances can have significant benefits for households and the environment. By reducing carbon emissions and contributing to a sustainable future, households can do their part in fighting climate change. Additionally, cost savings, convenience, and safety are compelling reasons to consider making the switch.

A  licensed electrician will replace gas-powered appliances and equipment with electric ones safely and correctly connecting them to the electrical grid.

Your Trusted Local Sydney Electricians

If you have any questions about converting from gas to electric, contact Powerix on 0420 798 861 or complete our online enquiry form for more information.


Maketheswitch.org.au - How to switch
abc.net.au - Save on energy costs