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Solar Inverter Replacement

Call us at 0488 856 928 or fill out our online booking form to get in touch.

Is your solar inverter holding you back? A solar inverter repair or replacement ensures your system isn't being bottlenecked!

A solar system is your ticket to cheaper power bills therefore when your solar system breaks or the efficiency reduces the increased power bills can be a rude awakening. One spot your solar system can either bottleneck and in some cases, break down entirely is the solar inverter. The solar inverter acts as a brain for your solar system whether it's converting the solar panel's DC to an AC current, switching between panels and grid power, or monitoring and equalising the electrical output; a broken inverter can cripple your solar system. Powerix is your local team of solar power experts and offers all your solar inverter replacement and repair needs to keep your system operating optimally.

Book a Solar Inverter Replacement Today!

Call us at 0488 856 928 or fill out the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

How to know your solar inverter needs replacing

There are many reasons a solar inverter needs to be replaced. The main reason is that the complexity of a solar inverter's internals makes it incredibly hard for onsite repairs and often requires the unit to be sent back to the manufacturer to be repaired or replaced by a new inverter. when deciding on whether to send it back to the manufacturer or get a new inverter there is one main deciding factor; whether it is within warranty. If the unit is under warranty you will need to contact the manufacturer or installer, if it isn't within its warranty it will most likely have to be replaced. Our team can advise you on whether your inverter can be repaired or quote you for a new inverter to meet your system's needs.

But what are the main causes of solar inverter breakdowns? Well, there are a few main causes that lead to solar inverter problems:

  • Overheating
  • Faulty installation
  • Lack of maintenance
  • Power surges from the grid
  • Insect and animal damage
  • Age
  • and more

the longer you wait to have your inverter replaced the bigger your electricity bills will get and in some cases the more damage you will do to your solar system.

Solar Inverter Replacement Experts

Solar Inverter Replacement

When it comes to solar system replacement it is critical that you choose a system that will meet the needs of your solar system. If the inverter can't handle the output of your solar systems it will bottleneck your system and essentially throw away money as it will only use as much power as it is rated for and all excess will be lost. The team of solar technicians at Powerix will help you choose an inverter that's within your budget and rated for your system to maximise efficiency and savings. Our team will install the system and test it to ensure that the rest of your system is free of damage and working flawlessly. However in the case that your solar inverter can be repaired we have inverter repair services solutions for you.

Solar Inverter Repairs

In most cases, your solar inverter will need to be replaced however in some cases it can be repaired or the breakage isn't with the inverter it is in another part of your solar system our team has a repair solution for you. Breakages within your solar system can be incredibly dangerous and can lead to fires and other hazards within your home. Our team have extensive experience working with all types of solar systems and will leverage that knowledge to swiftly locate and repair faults within your solar system. This will minimise the time you are reliant on mains power and reduce the risk of fires from these faults. However to avoid your solar system breaking in the first place our team suggest you have an annual solar system service.

Solar Inverter Repairs and Service

Solar Inverter Service

Solar system and inverter maintenance allow one of our Clean Energy Council-accredited solar technicians the chance to give your solar system a complete inspection and repair any faults before they become major breakages. As part of a solar service, our team will check to ensure your inverter is clean of debris and running at the correct temperature as well as checking for any faults that could compromise the safety of the system.

Powerix is your home for all things solar inverter replacement. We will work with you to ensure your solar system is working safely and efficiently and keep your electricity bills low. Contact our team today about a solar inverter replacement solution.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my solar inverter not working?

Benefits of Regular Solar Panel Cleaning

Benefits of switching to solar power

Contact us for an affordable, no obligation quote

Give us a call and let's talk about what you need. Our expert staff will listen closely, then advise the best, most cost effective solutions.

0488 856 928